Alhaj Noor Muhammad Jarral-Na'ats,Nasheeds at 21st Annual NFIE Mawlid 3/19/2016 21st
ANNUAL Mawlid-Un-Nabi saws Conference SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016, 4:00 pm Chandler
Community Center 125 E.Commonwealth Ave Chandler, AZ 85225 “Celebrating the Prophet
of Mercy, Love & Tolerance“ Sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Shaykh Al-Muhaddith
Dr.Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Husayni An Ninowy
World Renowned
Islamic Scholar, Studied Islamic Sciences with prominent Scholars from Syria,
Hijaz & North Africa, Graduated from the Faculty of Usul-ud-Din at
Al-Azhar, specializing in Aqeedah & Hadith . Established Global Madina
Institutes in USA, Canada, UK, South Africa, India, Sudan & Malaysia with
the aim of illumination through compassion and education. Religious Advisor,
NFIE. Qari
Syed Sadaqat Ali World Renowned Qari, Pupil of World legendary
Egyptian Qari ” Alsheikh AlQari AbdulBasit Abdussamed” R.A, Sitara e Imtiaz for
Qiraat (2014) Pride of Performance & Multiple PTV Awards, Qari Punjab &
National Assembly, Chairman, Saut ul Qura International Pakistan. Senior Qari
at PTV & Radio Pakistan, Member Niqabat ul Qura, Egypt. Alhaj Noor Muhammad Jarral World Renowned Qasida Recitor, Poet,
Calligrapher, Presidential & PTV Awards Recipient, Gold Medalist, Pakistan *** MAWLID EVENT PARKING: First Credit Union
Parking Garage on Boston Street – Levels 2, 3, 4 FREE
EVENT Register for
Conference+Dinner by e-mail or phone Please
Donate Generously Please
make Checks Payable to: NFIE (Tax ID# 37-1303679) NAQSHBANDIYA
Ahmed Mirza M.D,
NFIE Mawlid March 14, 2015
Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic
Education (NFIE) Celebrates the Prophet's Birthday
Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) will have its Annual
Mawlid-un-Nabi (Birthday Celebration of Prophet of Islam saws) Conference on
March 14 Saturday, 2015, 3.30 PM at Chandler Community Center, 125 E.
Commonwealth Ave, Chandler, AZ 85225. Admission to the event is free, and it is
open to the public.
Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education (NFIE) is a non-profit Religious
Organization ,will have its Annual Mawlid-un-Nabi ( Birthday Celebration of
Prophet of Islam saws) Conference on March 14 Saturday , 3.30 PM at Chandler
Community Center, 125 E. Commonwealth Ave, Chandler, AZ 85225.The program will
include Devotional Poetry and Lectures in the honor of Prophet Muhammad saws.
The Theme of the Conference is “Celebrating the Prophet of Universal Mercy,
Love and Beauty". The Keynote Speaker is Shaykh Al-Muhaddith Dr. Muhammad
Bin Yahya Al Husayni An Ninowy, World Renowned
Islamic Scholar and Founder &
Director of Global Madina Institutes in USA, Canada, UK, South Africa &
Malaysia .Quranic Recitation & Nasheeds by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali, World Renowned Qari, Sitara i Imtiaz for Quranic Recitation (2014), Pupil of World
legendary Egyptian Qari “Alsheikh Al Qari AbdulBasit Abdussamed” R.A, Pride of
Performance & Multiple PTV Awards,
Qari Punjab & National Assembly, Pakistan . Na’ats,Nasheeds by Alhaj Noor
Muhammad Jarral, World Renowned Qasida Recitor, Poet, Calligrapher &
Recipient of Presidential &PTV Awards , Pakistan.
This Spiritual Event will end with a
delicious dinner. Please Pre-Register for Free Event and Dinner by
with number of guests’ .The Event is free and open to public.
Mawlid-un-Nabi saws is celebrated throughout the Muslim world to remember,
honor, love and respect the Prophet Muhammad who is venerated by Muslims as the
"Mercy for the Mankind" Public meetings are held in mosques and
community centers where speeches are delivered on different aspects of the
Prophet's life and character. Devout Muslims also give charity, and food is
distributed free to the poor.
Friday, October 12th, 2012 |  NFIE Feeds the Homeless in Partnership with Other Interfaith Groups By Yousuf Bhuvad 
An interfaith event, sponsored by the Naqshbandiya Foundation for the Islamic Education (NFIE), Abrahamic Alliance International and the Trinity Mennonite Church, brought together the volunteers from the three faiths - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - in a common cause to serve food to the homeless and hungry of Phoenix. The volunteers arrived at the Trinity Mennonite Church in Glendale on the afternoon of September 23 rd. They were greeted and welcomed warmly by the Pastor of the church and the event leaders. Pastor Hal Shrader gave a brief overview of the history of the Mennonite church. Eric Shank, the Christian event leader, briefed the volunteers about Abrahamic Alliance and Common Word. Each volunteer was paired with a person of a different faith to share their backgrounds, education, family life and preferences in what they called a buddy system. A dialogue was initiated by the Muslim scholars and welcomed by Christians and Jews. Dr Ahmed Mirza, Muslim-event coordinator, introduced the volunteers from diverse backgrounds who had come to serve the poor. The Muslim group offered the Asr prayers inside the church. Pastor Hal gave a tour of the church while giving a historical perspective of the Mennonite movement. The group got together for a group photo outside the church. The volunteers arrived at the St Vincent DePaul Shelter at 4.30pm. The homeless were served tandoori chicken, Afghani pilaf, salad, rolls, fruit and cup cakes. The group served more than 200 guests at the shelter. After serving all the meals, the volunteers sat down to eat dinner. Dr. MIrza offered the closing prayer. We congratulate Rod Cardoza of Abrahamic Alliance International (AAI) along with Dr Ahmed Mirza, Zeb Mirza and Christian leader Eric Shank for organizing this very inspirational interfaith event. AAI is a faith-based nonprofit organization uniting Jews, Christians and Muslims for active peace building and relief of extreme poverty . The photos of the event are posted at
OCTOBER 10,2012,Monthly
Mawlid-Un-Nabi (saws) Conference ,Sunday,
October 14, 2012, 1:30 to 4:30 pm,Chandler Public Library , Downtown, Copper room,22. S. Delaware Street,Chandler,
AZ 85225,40 Ahadith of Imam An-Nawawi,Hadith # 2 Islam, Iman, Ihsan ,Shaykh Syed Waleed Rifai,:Nasheeds in Arabic,Urdu,Farsi &
English FREE EVENT ,Refreshments will be served *Registration Required,Sponsored by Naqshbandiya Foundation for
Islamic Education ,CONTACT:Ahmed
Mirza M.D Secretary,
October 12,2012, NFIE funded publication of two Sufi Books 1. Sufism A Wayfarer's Guide to the Naqshbandi Way, by Shaikh Amīn alā ad-Dīn an-Naqshbandī ,English translation (from the arabic) by Muhtar Holland ,Fons Vitae 2. Revealed Grace: Juristic Sufism of Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624) by Arthur Buehler , Fons Vitae Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Dr.Abdul Sattar Khan Naqshbandi passed awayInna Lillahe Wa Inna Alaihe Raje,un-Dr.Abdul Sattar Khan Naqshbandi, Former Head, Arabic Dept, Osmania University,Hyderabad,India, Khalifah Hazrat Abul Hasanat Sayyid Abdullah Shah Naqshbandi Qadri (R.A),Muhaddith-e-Deccan,passed away and Janaza is today at MCC Chicago.Allah Taala grant him Jannat ul Firdos and elevate his darajats .Amin. Please remember him in your duas |